DhasanGC is driving towards an 'All Under One Roof' concept to provide added convenience to customers.




All under on roof | Press Release | DhasanGC | Dhasan Globalcity Pvt Ltd
All under on roof | Press Release | DhasanGC | Dhasan Globalcity Pvt Ltd

DhasanGC reinvented business model in 2023 where many changes to the company took place. One main decision taken was to implement an "all under one roof" concept which would provide added convenience to customers. "All under one roof" concept is broken down into two main segments, namely, "Products" and "Services". Majority of these products and services will be sold to global customers as Exports from Sri Lanka and our will be based in Sri Lanka.

There is no specific date on which addition of products will stop as the products and services offered by DhasanGC will be ever growing. Currently DhasanGC offers different types of products and services adding up more than 45 different offerings and it is growing continuously. The important part is that all these products are offered to the International markets mainly yet some products and services are for the local market.

The MD/CEO of DhasanGC Mr. C Dhasan Liyanage said "Building all under one roof business is one of our driving forces, we dedicate ourselves in increasing the scope of products and services we could offer to our customers at the standards we promise, our slogan says it all we simply want to impress our customer is not just to sell but that big smile on their face is what makes the difference. No matter what we sell, our top priority is to make sure that our customer is impressed with what they bought, I also believe that when customers see they can buy almost anything from us they will definitely be impressed"

DhasanGC products to come are also based on research and innovation in new and exiting products and services to our customers to create all new unique experience to them. After starting up as an auto repair shop we have been through some tough times yet our ambitions are set high to achieve so called "all under one roof" concept in years to come.

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